How to deploy WordPress on Kubernetes via 🐄Ranchers.
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Kubernetes is an open-source system for deploying, scaling and managing the architecture of any containerized app. Rancher is a tool for easy management of Kubernetes.
What if we want to deploy our WordPress on Kubernetes architecture? What do we need to do exactly? This article will try to find out how to deploy WordPress on Kubernetes walking an easy path.
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Read How to Set Up Kubernetes Cluster with Rancher here.
Let’s Start our WordPress APP on our cluster
On the home page, you can find our cluster, whereas the home tab can be found in the hamburger?? menu at the top left corner. Please, go to the home page and see cluster in the cluster list. Press on its name.

Now we got dashboard with all info about our cluster: amount of nodes, deployments and many others.

You can also explore all kinds in your cluster via the interesting menu on the left side, but now we don’t need it; we have a goal to install our WordPress on Kubernetes. (we will discuss all features in other articles.)
At first, we need to create a project and namespace for our WordPress; it will make management much easier. Hence, go to section Project/Namespaces in Cluster Tab. You need to click the “Create Project” button on the page.

Please set Project name and click on “Create” button.

Now we need find our Project in the list and click on the “Create Namespace” button.

Please, set Namespace name and press “Create” button.

Voila, we have finished creating namespace and can start deploying WordPress APP on Kubernetes.
Install WordPress APP via Charts
At first, we need to add a helm chart from bitnami that allows us to install a lot of different APPs in a very easy way. Then, we click on the Apps&Marketplace Tab, where we can see a lot of APPs that can be installed within a matter of several clicks.

Please, Input WordPress in the filter field.

Oh, but we don’t see a WordPress APP, so what else do we need to do? We need to add a Helm chart that includes WordPress as APP. Let’s do it then.
Please, go to the Chart Repositories tab and click the “Create” button.

In the “Creation” menu, please set the name for the chart URL that we want to get, and click on the “Create” button at the end of the page.

If we go now to the Charts and input WordPress in filter files, we should see the WordPress APP.

Installed APP will do all we need it to do for us, and it doesn’t need any additional actions from us; just set the correct initial parameters. So let’s click on the WordPress APP.

We need to click on the “Install” button, but also, we can read detailed docs about this app, where all the parameters are described in detail.
Please, click on the “Install” button.

Indeed, when we click on the “Install”, we should get the page where we need to set the namespace and name of our APP. Let’s name it wordpress-bitnami and set WordPress namespace. Please click on the “Next” button.

Now we can see a huge YAML file with many different parameters, and we can get info about parameters by simply clicking on View Chart Info.
In this YAML, we need to set storage that we want to use and passwords for the database and WordPress.
Please, set all parameters as on the screenshots below.
Please, set storage.

Please, set an external database password.

Please, set the database password (it must be the same as we set the external database password) and the database root password.

Please, set the password for WordPress user.

Once parameters are set, we can click the “Install” button. APP will perform all functions we need to work with WordPress, on Kubernetes. Just wait in till it is ready to use. Then you can go to the Installed Apps tab, where you should see the status of the APP.

Please confirm to yourself that APP was successfully added and in the pending-install status. Then wait for a few minutes before it turns its status into Deployed.

Now we can check our WordPress, but how can we get the IP of WordPress? Please, go to Service Tab and find wordpress-bitnami service.

Please, click on the type of connection HTTP(80/TCP) or HTTPS(443/TCP). And enjoy your WordPress on Kubernetes Cluster? Thank you so much for your time and patience!

Also, we can try to get the admin menu. Add /admin to URL. It should look like https://your_IP/admin. Let’s try to log in.

Nice, we have logged in our Admin account.

Also try to add custom post. Click the Posts and Add New buttons.

Input some text to the article and click the “Publish” button.

Let’s see our article. Go to https://your_IP

Congratulations, we see our custom Article. So in such way we can install WordPress and any APP from Enjoy your APP)
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